Finding Balance

Finding Balance is a campaign designed to reduce falls in older adults. The campaign promotes real life strategies that older adults can do to reduce their risk of falling.

Anyone can fall, but as you grow older, the risk of falling increases. Falls are the leading cause of serious injuries in older adults. The facts don't lie: every year, 1 in 3 Alberta seniors will fall. The good news is that you can take steps to prevent this from happening to you.

Regular activity makes you stronger, improves your balance and helps prevent falls.

  • Ask your doctor or healthcare provider about the best type of exercies program for you.

  • Do at least 30 minutes of activity every day.

  • Walk, dance, or take an exercise class.

  • Choose activities you enjoy.

This year's campaign focus is "Keep Active" and encourages older adults and communities across the province to work together to prevent falls.

Join the TREK Across Alberta and make every step count.

Virtual Trek

Join the FINDING BALANCE VIRTUAL TREK across Alberta. During the month of November, log your steps and/or physical activity minutes in support of Finding Balance Falls Prevention Month.

The TREK will begin in Coutts, Alberta and finish in Fitzgerald, Alberta. The goal of the Virtual TREK across Alberta is to trek 3253500 steps - or 2610km.

  • Keep track of your steps by using the TREK Passport

Your steps will be added to the provincial total. Help us reach out goal!

Map of the Trek

How do I register for the TREK?

This should be done after we make the site and stuff.

How do I count my steps or activity by time and intensity?

In general, if you are doing moderate-intensity activity where you can talk, but not sing your favourite song, during the activity, your working hard enough to raise your heart rate.

    Examples include:

  • Brisk Walking

  • Mowing the lawn

  • Digging in the garden

  • medium paced swimming and cycling

If you're doing vigorous-intensity activity, you will not be able to say more than a few words without pausing for breath. your heart rate has gone up quite a bit.

    Examples include:

  • Jogging

  • Fast cycling

  • Aerobics

  • Active Sports such as Football, squash and basketball.

1 minute of moderate-intensity physical activity = 100 steps

1 minute of vigorous-intensity physical activity = 200 steps

How do I count my steps or activity or activity by pedometer?

Pedometers track your steps throughout the day. Pedometers are most accurate when worn on your hip or b elt directly above your knee. you will wear your pedometer all day abd then log the total number of steps taken.

Where can I get a pedometer?

UWALK Pedometer Library Loan Program provides pedometers for lean in most public libraries throughout Alberta. For a complete list of loan libraries please visit

During the month of november , pedometers are available at the Northern Alberta YMCAs in Edmonton . Pedometers are also available through the Injury Preventing Center (formerly, the Alberta Center for Injury and Control Research) by phoning: 780-492-6019

Using a Fitbit Activity Tracker

Add once completed on site.

Copyright © Trek Passport 2024.